Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Let's Keep In Touch

After speaking with brother dearest and getting to do a little blogging of my own on their family site this weekend, I got what Romian would like to call the "Blog Bug!" We decided that a family blog would be a lot of fun. We are an extremely close family but distance keeps us from staying updated on the little things that we miss throughout the year. I miss you all dearly and I hate it that we are apart this much, but through this blog, I think it will help to keep us connected... Let's start blogging!

1 comment:

  1. Bear, You go girl!!!!!

    You really out did yourself with this one. It is great. I can hardly wait for the blogging to begin. Hurry and get the word and directions out. I think this will be the best thing since sliced bread. LOL Can hardly wait to put my two cents in.
